Saturday, 10 March 2007
Second breakfast was shredded wheat, I enjoyed that, as by second breakfast time I was feeling better. Shredded wheat is strange stuff, the advertisements stress that it is only wheat; it must be a difficult process to make it, otherwise why is it so expensive? This is the first box I have purchased in years, so may have to go back to cheaper options for breakfast.
Lunch was Pilchard salad, fairly healthy I think, which was a good thing as dinner was not so healthy.
One of my brothers-in –laws came to visit. He lives in France and I think occasionally feels the need for some good old fashioned fish and chips, proper ones from the chip shop. So that is what we had. Later when hubby and brother went to the pub for a pint, I ate chocolate. Not so healthy end to day, again.
Friday, 9 March 2007
So that was breakfast No1. For the second breakfast, on my return from feeding horse breakfast, which is easy, same every day for breakfast and dinner. Hubby made us pancakes and scrambled egg. The pancakes had been on cheap offer at the supermarket and really did not go with the egg, but I am not complaining, I did not cook it.
Lunch was salad and a left over sausage from yesterday’s dinner. It was lots of leaves,raw broccoli and cauliflower, tomatoes, and green olives. It looked a lot, but lacked carbohydrate, so felt a bit empty late in afternoon, so quick cup of tea and biscuits before setting out to feed horses their dinner.
Our dinner was cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots in a cheese sauce. And for pudding simple fruit salad of apple pear and orange.
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Second breakfast was porridge made mainly with water with just a little milk; I do like my porridge with a teaspoon of sugar rather than the Scottish tradition of salt.
Lunch was a tin of chicken soup with soya and linseed bread. Followed by another hot cross bun.
The son and heir comes to dinner most Wednesday evenings, so after a little interrogation as to what he has eaten this week [very healthy and home cooked, well done son] I decided on not so healthy naughty food.
Chips, sausages, peas and sweetcorn, and later an orange.
Not very imaginative. In my quest for inspiration I started to think about some of the meals that I have eaten in restaurants, and while looking for recipes on line, found an American book with recipes from top US restaurants, it is called The Copycat Cookbook. I have never been to the US but this way I could try the food. I have put a link to it for anyone who might like to see it. Just click on link to the left of page.
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
Second breakfast was last of the wholemeal seedy bread and marmite.
As you may guess the cupboard was getting a bit bare, so hubby and I did a food hunt in Tesco.
For lunch I had a salad sandwich and a hot cross bun, I do not usually eat hot cross buns before Easter but they were so cheap I could not resist, will just think of them as fruit buns.
Tuesday evenings other half goes to the pub quiz, so like to do a quick and beer absorbent recipe.
This week I chose penne pasta with tomato, onion, garlic, green pepper, sweet corn, basil and a small tin of dolphin friendly Tuna.
I worry about eating fish as the world's seas are in a terrible crisis, but then again I want to eat a healthy diet and keep my family fit and well.
I know that Tuna fish are being hit hard, so this is the first Tuna that I have eaten for some years. It is very odd that Tuna is still cheap and still being used in pet food, it will probably be sudden headline news, that stocks have run out and it will be another crisis to worry about.
I have heard that there is a list of fish that are better to buy, as it has less bad impact on the marine environment but have not found it yet.
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Breakfast was eventually the last of the beans on toast, orange juice and tea.
Lunch the last of the smoked salmon with salad and wholemeal seedy bread.
And for dinner, last of the herby potato with lamb chops and broad beans from the freezer. For pudding the last of the pear and raspberry chocolate pudding.That really was a ‘last of’ sort of day. It can pay to over cater, it saves time and must save on fuel costs as long as used up food does not take long to re-heat or can be eaten cold.
Monday, 5 March 2007
Second breakfast was bagels and cream cheese with smoked salmon, not as extravagant as it sounds as the salmon was supermarket trimmings, Sainsbury’s are not as good as Tesco.
Lunch time I thought I better use up some mashed potato [I always cook far too much of everything, this is a help if you don’t mind eating re hashed food] so with added onion cabbage and egg it became bubble and squeak, served with bacon, mushrooms and baked beans. Quite a substantial lunch.
No Sunday roast this week, I will regret that when there are no leftovers to use tonight.
I did use the oven to roast the pork chops with baked apple and herby potato bake, served with lots of mixed vegetables.
The herby potato recipe I remembered from the TV program Two Fat Ladies, I think that they used fresh herbs, but yesterday it had to be dried herbs, as my dog has eaten everything growing in my garden.
Pud was pears and raspberries with chocolate pudding and ice cream.
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Whatever it was I ate yesterday it did nothing for my memory. I am having a problem remembering so I can use that as an excuse for forgetting all the naughty things I ate.
Breakfast banana and juice to keep me going for the first bit, then home to find lovely hubby has prepared bacon scrambled eggs tomatoes mushrooms and toast, anything I do not have to cook is good.
Things got better, at lunch time as I was busy with yesterdays blog, hubby prepared lunch, cheese on toast with onion and Worcester sauce.
Having had a two meal break I felt must make an effort to do something creative, so using as inspiration a dish I had tried in a local restaurant. I construct a dish of butternut squash, cranberries, and brie cheese, topped with bread crumbs and more brie. It was a good job the salad of lettuce, celery, cucumber, tomatoes, beetroot and olives with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing was nice, as the squash dish definitely needs work. But as squash are quite expensive it can wait for another day of inspiration.
Now for the naughty bit I ate chocolate, I wonder which is worse for me the chocolate, or the crisps that I ate the evening before.
We ended the day by going outside to see and photograph the lunar eclipse. That was amazing.