Tuesday 6 March 2007


No Bananas left so did not eat anything before I left, big mistake, my day has too much running about to last until second breakfast and I really was flagging by the time I arrived home. Silly thing is I go slower and slower, pointless not to have the small food start.
Breakfast was eventually the last of the beans on toast, orange juice and tea.
Lunch the last of the smoked salmon with salad and wholemeal seedy bread.
And for dinner, last of the herby potato with lamb chops and broad beans from the freezer. For pudding the last of the pear and raspberry chocolate pudding.That really was a ‘last of’ sort of day. It can pay to over cater, it saves time and must save on fuel costs as long as used up food does not take long to re-heat or can be eaten cold.

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