Friday, 23 March 2007


The blog today is a bit different as I missed yesterdays. I decided on Tuesday that I have gained too much weight, and it is high time I cut down, I do not think that dieting is a good thing as it really a does not seem to work. My proof is, have you ever met a fat person that has not been on a diet? They all have, therefore, if they are fat and have dieted, dieting must make you fat. It is a good theory, and it’s all mine.
I think the reason for my weight gain is over the last year my workload has changed, the work is not so heavy, which is good as I was getting strain problems like a frozen shoulder and joint pain. My doctor said unhelpful things like “‘at your age, you should be taking things easier”. Well my days are still quite full, but I now take time to eat sitting down, and eat the same size meals that I did before which is as much as I can eat before I fall asleep.
So my idea for reducing weight would normally be work harder, it always worked in the past and I can lose a stone in weight in a matter of a month, but I have no desire to damage my now dodgy joints, So cutting consumption will have to be the way.
I will also cut out anything that I will not really miss, like butter on my toast, chocolate, and nuts, I will miss them but it won’t be too tough.
I started yesterday by giving up second breakfast. I ate a sandwich of one slice of wholemeal bread, with marmite grated carrot and just a little bit of mayonnaise; I must wean myself off mayonnaise. It did take more time to get out of the house but I saved time by not coming home for second breakfast.
Lunch was one sandwich of pâté tomato mixed leaves and cucumber. Hubby then gave me a piece of fruit cake. Well it is only day one; don’t want too much shock to system.
For dinner a starter of orange and watercress salad, followed by vegetable curry, with rice and lentils with naan bread.
Evening snack was an orange.
Not a great start.

Wednesday, 21 March 2007


I really cannot remember everything I ate yesterday, don’t think it was much. So this is going to be a very brief update.
Shredded wheat for breakfast.
Lunch just a bowl of tomato soup with bread. And one of the little fruit cakes.
Dinner was a baked potato with prawns, celery, onion and sweet corn in a tomato sauce.

Tuesday, 20 March 2007


For first breakfast I just had a glass of juice and grabbed one of the fruit buns that I made the other day, they were ok though did not rise as I would have expected, but I do not see how that can be because I used a goose egg, instead of chicken eggs. I will blame my cranky oven. Second breakfast was porridge.
Lunch was something I don’t do very often, readymade meals. Unless it is one I made earlier. It was a frozen donna kebab from Lidl, they take 2min 20 seconds are quite tasty, the chili sauce is good, and being from Lidl they are cheap. I served it with salad.
Dinner time I find I am running out of salad things and no roast yesterday, so it can not be the traditional Monday dinner of cold meat chips and salad.
After a rummage in the fridge the resulting dinner was A Waldorf salad, the last of the corned beef, amazing how far a small tin of corned beef can stretch. Chips, peas and sweet corn, with an ice cream cone for pud

Monday, 19 March 2007


Sunday and it was mother’s day, so hubby came with me and walked the dogs, and as I had only one lot of horses to feed and muck out ,the job was soon done, so it did not really matter that we had missed first breakfast.
On our return home, I searched through the freezer for breakfast type things, and came up with some bagels. So bagels with a couple of rashers of smoked bacon and cream cheese that was breakfast sorted. Not very Kosher is it, bacon with bagels.
As it was mother’s day our son and heir and his fiancée had invited us and her mother and father to lunch.
They are both good cooks and as usual, a good time was had by all. For lunch we had Tagine of lamb, which is basically a Moroccan lamb, apricot and almond stew, served with bulgur wheat with raisins and almonds. Extremely tasty and highly recommended. For desert, pear and raspberry chocolate pudding with ice cream.
By the evening time we were not really hungry as it is unusual for us to have dinner, at lunch time, so we settled for a help yourself, to -: salad, cheese and some of the corned beef

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Saturday breakfast

Don't think I had any first breakfast before I left, so was very hungry upon my return and made the most of second breakfast. Traditional English weekend breakfast, of bacon, egg, tomatoes, mushrooms and toast. Plus a big mug of tea.
Lunch was corned beef and pickle sandwich. And a couple of the little sausage rolls cooked yesterday.
Dinner. Feeling fed up so is hubby, so he tries to cheer me up, by doing a sticker food hunt on Sainsbury’s. This means trying to find something on offer or going cheap. Last night’s resulted in a Saturday dinner of steak, new potatoes, and mixed vegetables. And for desert fruit salad made from some of the left over mango, apple, pear and orange, served with a spoonful of ice cream.
Drank a gin and tonic, very nice.