Monday, 19 March 2007


Sunday and it was mother’s day, so hubby came with me and walked the dogs, and as I had only one lot of horses to feed and muck out ,the job was soon done, so it did not really matter that we had missed first breakfast.
On our return home, I searched through the freezer for breakfast type things, and came up with some bagels. So bagels with a couple of rashers of smoked bacon and cream cheese that was breakfast sorted. Not very Kosher is it, bacon with bagels.
As it was mother’s day our son and heir and his fiancée had invited us and her mother and father to lunch.
They are both good cooks and as usual, a good time was had by all. For lunch we had Tagine of lamb, which is basically a Moroccan lamb, apricot and almond stew, served with bulgur wheat with raisins and almonds. Extremely tasty and highly recommended. For desert, pear and raspberry chocolate pudding with ice cream.
By the evening time we were not really hungry as it is unusual for us to have dinner, at lunch time, so we settled for a help yourself, to -: salad, cheese and some of the corned beef

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