Saturday 10 March 2007


For first breakfast just an apple, as I did not feel so well. Maybe it was because I ate cashew nuts last thing last night, so it serves me right.
Second breakfast was shredded wheat, I enjoyed that, as by second breakfast time I was feeling better. Shredded wheat is strange stuff, the advertisements stress that it is only wheat; it must be a difficult process to make it, otherwise why is it so expensive? This is the first box I have purchased in years, so may have to go back to cheaper options for breakfast.
Lunch was Pilchard salad, fairly healthy I think, which was a good thing as dinner was not so healthy.
One of my brothers-in –laws came to visit. He lives in France and I think occasionally feels the need for some good old fashioned fish and chips, proper ones from the chip shop. So that is what we had. Later when hubby and brother went to the pub for a pint, I ate chocolate. Not so healthy end to day, again.

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