Thursday 15 March 2007


Back to banana and orange juice for breakfast, have to eat the bananas up before they get too ripe, strange how different ripe and unripe bananas can taste. Is there anything really palatable that can be done with a really ripe banana?
Second breakfast was shredded wheat again.
Lunch was salad and fish sticks with salad cream and soya and linseed bread.
Son and heir came to dinner, I needed inspiration so went to the book shelf and did a sort of lucky dip, as the first book off the shelf was an Indian cook book, that was it decided, curry. I don’t necessarily use a recipe for cooking anything. I just use cook books for ideas. I don’t always have the ingredients anyway, so often have to think of a substitute. Amazingly good dinners have been created this way, but are unlikely to be recreated. Eating dinner in this house can be quite an adventure, not for the faint hearted, but as yet, my cooking has not ended in any poisonings.
Any way back to this curry dinner, left over breast of lamb, with celery, onion, pepper and cauliflower, in a curry sauce from Lidl, very cheap and quite as good as any other readymade curry sauce. The rice was a bit more effort than plain old rice, but worth it, basmati rice with lentils, celery, onion, garlic, vegetable juice, garam masala, cumin and turmeric.

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